Getting a full night of sleep has the obvious benefit of allowing you to feel rested and capable of taking on your day, but by allowing time for your body to restore and heal, sleep also plays an important role in your overall health. Making an effort to achieve restorative rest on a regular basis offers a number of lifestyle and health perks.

- Improved memory. While we sleep, our brain is able to commit events to our long-term memory.
- Increased capacity for learning. While we sleep, our brain synthesizes new information, allowing us to learn more effectively.
- Reduced risk of depression. Shortened sleep cycles have been linked to increased risk of depression and anxiety.
- Reduce risk of getting in an accident. Drowsiness has a direct correlation to automobile accidents. Studies have shown that the hazards of drowsy driving are very similar to driving while intoxicated.
- Improved health. Good sleeping habits are directly tied to many areas of improved physical health. Those who regularly get inadequate sleep are at a higher risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease and obesity.
- Improved mood. While sleeping a solid eight hours won’t ensure you’ll be in a great mood the following morning, it can definitely help! By getting a full night of sleep, you can increase your emotional regulation.
- Stronger immune system. When you have an irregular or shortened sleep cycle, you put yourself at a greater risk of getting sick. Studies have shown that getting eight hours of sleep may significantly reduce your risk of the common cold.
Because sleep plays such an important role in our emotional, mental and physical well-being, it is important to seek treatment for sleep disorders. In order to improve your sleeping habits, seek help from one of the premier ear, nose and throat doctors in Tyler, TX. At ENT associates of East Texas, our highly skilled professionals provide services and treatment for a range of sleeping disorders, including obstructive sleep apnea and snoring. Learn more about our services by speaking with our team at [phone1 link=”true”].