What Does Our Speech-Language Pathologist Do?

Our Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP) at ENT Associates of East Texas is available for all your voice and swallowing care needs:
- Dysphonia or an abnormal vocal quality. This can include prolonged hoarseness, vocal fatigue, chronic throat clearing or cough, vocal cord dysfunction or a neurologic voice disorder.
- Voice disorders are evaluated using videostroboscopy which is a rigid scope used to look up closely at the vocal cords while they are in motion.
- Treatment for your voice disorder may include vocal hygiene recommendations, in office voice therapy or voice rest.
- Voice therapy for total laryngectomees is also offered for those using a tracheoesophageal prosthesis or electrolarynx.
- Dysphagia or trouble swallowing. This may include feeling like it takes more effort to swallow or that foods/liquids “go down the wrong pipe.” A swallowing disorder may result from head and neck cancer, head and neck surgery or neuromuscular conditions.
- Your swallowing can be evaluated with FEES (Fiberoptic Endoscopic Examination of Swallowing), where a small scope is used to observe your throat and voice box as you swallow different food and liquid consistencies.
- Treatment for your swallowing problem may include in-office therapy using neuromuscular electrical stimulation, diet modifications and/or intake strategies.
Call ENT Associates of East Texas at (903) 592-5601 for more information or to schedule an appointment.